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Humberside Newsletter 125th Special Edition
Hello, members of the Class of ‘83!
It is hard to believe that it has been 35 years since we graduated from Humberside!! Those of you who were able to attend Humberside’s 125th Anniversary weekend in October or the highly successful Class of 1983 reunions in 2013 and 2008, will be able to attest to how little time seems to have passed and how much fun it is to reconnect and compare memories of high school. What struck me as most interesting is to meet each other as adults with a variety of life experiences and yet to still be able to see the people we were at such an early stage of life.
Whether you have kept in touch with people in our class or not, I hope you will consider coming out to the 35th Reunion on June 2, 2018, from 7 pm to Midnight at The High Park Curling Club. As in past years, we have managed to keep the cost of the event to $40 per person which includes the cost of the venue, food, and sundries. If we have enough people, we will also be able to include drink tickets for the bar.
In order to determine if we have enough people interested to run this event and for planning purposes, we need to ask you to sign up and pay in advance. If you plan to attend, please do the following before March 30th:
1) Send an e-mail to me at
2) Send your payment of $40 per guest to Paul via e-transfer at . Please use the recommended password HCI83. If you have a problem with e-transfer please contact Paul or me.
In previous years we have had over 50 participants and a number of teachers attend. Feel free to visit HERE to see photos of previous reunions.
And one more thing…if you are interested in volunteering in some small way, let me know. You know the old saying “Many hands make light work” 😉
Please spread the word to as many Humbersiders of ‘83 or teachers for whom you still have contact info…even through their parents if possible! Hope to see everyone in June!
Michele Reynolds
(If you don’t remember me and are looking in an old yearbook, I am not in the grade 13 yearbook because my parents dragged me to Rome part of the year…but I still managed to graduate from HCI as the Class of ‘83;)
Humberside 125th October 20th and 21st Information
Updated 9/10/17: Cut-Off date updates, ordering info updates and New Sponsorship Form –
The fee to register for the weekend will be $20. Includes admittance to the school on Friday evening and Saturday, and all events at the school. Those registering by Oct 1st will receive a commemorative tote bag filled with goodies. Late registrations after October 10th and walk-in fees are $25. Children under 12 are free with registered guests.
Online Registration Instructions:
Please click on the link below to Registration, purchase pub night tickets and order your Commemorative book. Please note the Commemorative Yearbook order is first, followed by Registration. If there is more than one person registering, you can put both names where it asks for “student” when completing your order. Unfortunately,other commemorative items are no longer available for purchase.
When completing your order, Grade represents the year you graduated. For staff, you may put in the years you were there, for example, 67-77. If there are more than one alumni with different names and graduating years, please complete your order with one year and email Jacquie <> to update your registration.
Name tags, commemorative tote bag, and pre-ordered items will be available for pick up during the weekend. See the schedule below for registration times.
125th Anniversary Commemorative History Book: .Sold Out
Event Sponsorships Available
There are several sponsorship opportunities available to help the alumni create a special event for the 125th. All levels include advertising for you or for your company, tickets to events, etc. Please click on the link for the sponsorship package. Not sure if you see something there that you like? You may also wish to sponsor part of the swag bag goodies. Please email Jacquie for opportunities. No matter what your comfort level is, there is something for everyone who wants to support Humberside’s 125th!
Follow this link to the complete information packet and downloadable form. HERE
Logo Deadline September 25th, 2017
Hours (Tentative schedule; times/events may change, please check closer to the weekend for confirmed times)
Friday 5pm to 10pm
Registration 5pm
Decade Rooms open from 5 to 10pm
Reunion Choir Concert 8pm. Free admission with registration
Saturday 8:30 am to 5pm
Registration starts at 8:30am
Decade Rooms open at 9am
Welcome Ceremony 11am
Sports event in main gym. Time TBA
Art Displays in Cafeteria 9am to 5pm
Refreshments in Cafeteria Time TBA
School Closes at 5pm
Relive all your memories by visiting the music wing, gym, Lismer Hall auditorium and the Lismer mural, library, staff room, cafeteria and art displays, all the decade rooms and the hallowed hallways of Humberside!
Pub Night, Saturday, October 21st 6pm to 2am
Fee: $15 You must be a registered attendee in order to buy tickets. They will not be available at the door.
A registered guest may add a plus one for the pub night. (This option allows a registrant to add a guest for the pub night only, e.g. spouse, who may not want to attend the other events)
Lithuanian House 1573 Bloor St. W. Wheelchair accessible
Reunion Choir
Ah the classics, Zadok the Priest, Bridge over Troubled Water, and how could you forget Hallelujah Chorus and of course our famed HCI fight song!
“Those were the days my friend….” If you would like to re-live those days of singing and want to join the reunion choir at Humberside’s 125th Anniversary celebrations, please email Miss Janet Keele at and let her know. Please include your maiden name if applicable and what part you sing ( soprano, alto, etc.) At this time practices will be later in 2017.
Decade Rooms
Do you remember what life was like when you went to Humberside? Forgot? Well we want to jog your memory by setting up decade rooms for the 125th. Each room will showcase a decade and its Humberside memories and we need your help! Volunteers are needed to organize room content, help with setup for the weekend and supervise the room during the weekend for an hour or so. We are also looking for any memorabilia you have that you are willing to donate or lend to the alumni. If you are interested in any aspect please email Doug Wighton at placing Decade room in the email subject line
Volunteers Needed
We will need volunteers for several areas prior to and during the weekend. If you would like to volunteer please email Jacquie Raidl at
Volunteers will be needed for putting together the welcome bags before the weekend, during registration, guides at the school, decade room supervisors and general help. An hour or two of your time is appreciated.
For Decade room volunteers email Doug Wighton at
To be a part of the reunion choir email Janet Keele at
Facebook page
The facebook page for the 125th is